Acceptable Usage Policy

This policy is subject to change, without alternate notice, so please check regularly for updates. This policy is in addition, and considered part of Terms and Conditions. will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision.

1) Web Hosting

1.1) reserves the right to suspend or cancel a customer's access to any or all services provided by , where decides that the account has been inappropriately used. reserves the right to refuse service and /or access to its servers to anyone.

1.2) offers various levels of web space and bandwidth allowance with the different account types. By this, we mean space for legitimate web site content and bandwidth for visitors to view it. All files on a domain must be part of the active website and linked to the site. MP3 and other large multimedia files are not web-based content. All files, information and mail under the account will be preserved for 30 days from the date the payment is due. If the payment is not received after 30 days, all files, information and mail under the account may be deleted. If the subscriber wishes to reuse/reactivate the service, the subscriber may need to re-apply as a new subscriber, and an activation fee may be required.

1.2.1) The company will provide the customer with unlimited bandwidth and disk space for their website and email services. However, this is meant for normal usage only, and any excessive usage beyond what the company has set as the limit is not allowed. The customer cannot use the resources for anything other than their website, content, and email services associated with their web hosting account.

The company will monitor the customer's usage, and if they exceed the agreed-upon limits or use the resources improperly, the company can take corrective actions. These actions may include charging extra fees, disconnecting or discontinuing services, removing the customer's website and content, or terminating the agreement.

The customer must use the resources lawfully and not engage in activities like copying copyrighted materials without authorization, infringing on others' intellectual property rights, dealing with illegal products or services, or violating export control laws.

If the company discovers any unlawful activities related to the customer's website or usage, they may have to report it to law enforcement or relevant agencies.

Cron Jobs: While customers are able to setup cron jobs through their control panel (linux only), cron job timing can not be quicker than every 5 minutes. Each server will revert 'every minute' cron jobs to every 5 minutes on a nightly basis.

1.2.2) CPU Usage- the customer must not use too much CPU processing power on the company's servers. If they do, the company can take corrective actions, such as charging extra fees, disconnecting or stopping services, or terminating the agreement. If the company takes any corrective action, the customer will not receive a refund for any fees paid in advance before the action was taken. So, it's essential for the customer to use CPU processing responsibly to avoid any issues with the service.

1.3) Scripts on the site must be designed to produce web-based content, and not to use the server as an application server. Using the server to generate large volumes of email from a database is an example of activity that is not allowed. Scripts should not attempt to manipulate the timeouts on servers. These are set at the present values to ensure the reliability of the server. Sites that reset these do so because they are resource intensive, and adversely affect server performance and are therefore not allowed.

1.4) will disable any domain that fails to adhere to the following criteria as soon as we are made aware, in line with current working practices:

1.4.1) The primary purpose of any site must be to provide web-based content to viewers. Files on the site must be linked to the web site.

1.4.2) The primary purpose of any script must be to produce a web page. Scripts that send a single email based upon user entered information, or update a database are acceptable. Scripts that send bulk email or perform processor intensive database processes are not allowed. All outgoing mail is monitored and filtered.

1.4.3) Sites must not contain Warez, illegal, immoral or copyright material. The onus is on you the customer to prove that you own the rights to publish material, not for to prove that you do not.

1.4.4) Sites must not contain MP3 files, as they do not represent active web content. Other multimedia files are acceptable if they are configured to stream to the client rather than download (Please see section 1.2 of this policy).

1.4.5) Sites must not contain password protected archive (e.g. zip or rar) files, or data back ups.

1.4.6) Sites must not contain pornographic or other lewd material. Adult Material includes all pornography, erotic images, or otherwise lewd or obscene content. The designation of "adult material" is left entirely to the discretion of

1.4.7) Sites must not use excessive amounts of server resources. These include bandwidth, processor utilization and / or disk space. When a website is found to be monopolising the resources available reserves the right to suspend that site immediately. This policy is only implemented in extreme circumstances and is intended to prevent the misuse of our servers. Customers may be offered an option whereby an upgrade option or hosting addition is necessary.

1.4.8) Sites must not contain scripts that attempt to access privileged server resources, or other sites on the same server.

1.4.9) Any client wishing to utilise our infrastructure with regards to the provision of gaming services are required to provide us with a valid copy of their gaming licence from their licensing jurisdiction. This must be provided to prior to the activation of any gaming service.

1.4.10) Any client who uses the database on server for client application like android or desktop will be considered unacceptable to avoid heavy usage of CPU.